XXX. Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico

Mexico City, Mexico

Mexico City — Leslie Duarte

Mexico City is the capital of Mexico, located in the Valley of Mexico. The city is the largest urban area in the country and the second largest in population after Estado de Mexico. The city is located in the Trans-Mexican Belt in the high plateaus of south-central Mexico. It is surrounded by mountains and volcanoes; the city is vulnerable to flooding since the area has no natural drainage outlet for the waters .

Urban: 9,209,944 people
52.2% women
47.8% men
Metro: 21,804,515 people

Urban: 1,494.3 KM2 which represents 0.1% of the total nation
Minimum elevation: 2,222 M
Maximum elevation: 3,512 M
Metro: 7,866 KM2

Population Density:
Urban Average: 6,163 people/km2
Metro Average: 2,772 people/km2

Mexico’s city is a republican government and democratic under the division of powers, political pluralism, and social participation . The Head of Government of Mexico City is elected to a six-year term. The Head of Government oversees the local executive body and the public administration. The Secretariats assist the administration centralized of Mexico City . There are 22 Secretariats that govern in Mexico City such as Secretariat of Culture, Education, Public Security, etc. The city counts 16 delegations each of which is headed by a Delegation Head. Mexico City has 16 territories that made up the city . The city is the principal center of politics, economy, education, business investment, fashion, and culture. Most of the territory has a sub-humid climate (87%). Most of the city is an urban area, however, the south and southeast are agricultural areas .
The higher density of the city is concentrated in the central neighborhoods of the city .

The city has been a historical mark since the beginning of Mexico’s history starting with the Aztec civilization that stands above a lake. Leaving the area for growth and years and years of occupancy. Indeed, aside from constant and impactful earthquakes that have not only destroyed the city, but also, cause demage historically, healthy and social.
Additionaly, aspects like this have also lead to a social and governmental division. The city of Mexico is highly contrasted when it comes to social and economical differences that have been reflected in housing and the planning of the city. Creating south area of the city an agricultural focus, the central concentrating in bussiness, commercial, tourist and higher expanses with economical divisor and higher skycrapers,with bigger houses and expensive apartment buildings, museums, and monuments compare to the northen area where the housing becomes informal and not designed leading to less design care.

Clockwise from top left:

Mexico City, Mexico. High Density Buildig Typologies

Mexico City, Mexico. Means of Transportation.

Mexico City, Mexico. Traffic hubs and nodes.

Mexico City, Mexico. Urban void spaces.

Mexico City, Mexico: Tepito, Cuauhtemoc

Area: 32.44square km
Population: 545,884people
Population Density: 17,000 people/km2

Mexico City, Mexico: Condesa,  Cuauhtemoc

Area: 32.4 square km
Population: 545,884 people
Population Density: 17,000people/km2

Mexico City, Mexico:  Zona Rosa, Cuauhtemoc

Area: 32.4 square km
Population:   545,884 people
Population Density: 17,000people/km2

Density and a Public Equation,Tepito

    One of the most famous neighborhoods in Mexico City located in the delegation of Cuauhtemoc is Tepito. Considered to be one of the most highly-dense neighborhoods and biggest street markets in the city, the space has being designed organically and informally by the citizens. The zone has informally fallen apart with no safety codes followed or public amenities to offer. Leaving the neighborhood abandoned by professional designers and forcefully making the citizens to design their own spaces, has informally raised housing designed, by the inhabitants with an absence of green spaces, public spaces, bus stops or a uniform distribution throughout the neighborhood ..

Categorized as a low income neigborhood.
The neighborhood’s unique organic density, growth and community built environmment is astonishing. Tepito is composed of two to three story store houses and social hosing of mid-rise buildings with an informal packed,dense steert mrket that serves from 7 am to 5 pm. Consider an informal commercial area the neighborhood has a potential for formal growth without loosing its essence.

Density + Public, Tepito

Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning 2025 — Ann Arbor, US