II. Beijing, China

Beijing, China
Beijing, China — Renwei Liu
Beijing, referred to as “Jing”, was known as Yanjing and Peiping in ancient times. It is the capital, municipality directly under the Central Government, national central city and mega city of the People’s Republic of China.

Left | Beijing CBD. Right |
The Palace Museum
Urban: 10,988,000 people
Metro: 21,893,000 people
Urban 1,385 km2
Metro 16,807 km2
Population Density:
Urban Average: 7933.57 people/km2
Metro Average: 1302.61 people/km2
Xicheng District is now the office area of the party and state leaders. As the capital of the country, Beijing’s functions are still concentrated in the west. Zhongnanhai is located in Xicheng, which is the political center of the country. The Party Central Committee and the State Council all work here. Along the West Third Ring Road, there are also many important state organs such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Construction, the State Environmental Protection Administration, the National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Commission, as well as the Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau, Planning Commission, Landscape Bureau, and Environmental Protection Bureau.

Upper Left | Central Business district of Beijing. Upper Right | Chiniese Traditional courtyard residential area. Lower Left | High density affordable living community. Lower Right | Famous ancient business street- QIANMEN.
Beijing, China | High Density Buildig Typologies
Beijing, China | Means of transportation
Beijing, China | Traffic hubs and nodes
Beijing, China | Urban Void Spaces

Beijing, China | High Density Buildig Typologies

Beijing, China | Means of transportation

Beijing, China | Traffic hubs and nodes

Beijing, China | Urban Void Spaces
Beijing, China | Qianmen Street, DongCheng District
Area: 0.25 km2
Population: 4398 people
Population Density: 17,592 people/km2

Area: 0.25 km2
Population: 15,217 people
Population Density: 60,870 people/km2

Area: 0.25 square km
Population: 8,900 people
Population Density: 35,600 people/km2

Vertical CourtYard| Beijing, China
The project is in a very famous scenic spot in Beijing, Qianmen Street. This street is located in the core area of Beijing and is a point on the central axis of the city. This area combines commerce, residence, and the hutong neighborhood full of urban characteristics. The architectural elements are very rich. The age spans a lot, there are both ancient buildings and urban renewal based on ancient buildings. I hope to design a multi-functional micro-community such as residential, commercial, and office in one site. The project name is Vertical Courtyard. The most important thing is to organise the courtyard with hutong characteristics in the whole building. In the case of very limited urban land, the original courtyard courtyard is extracted from the plane and arranged on a vertical level to form a continuous courtyard space, connecting various functions, such as hotel, office, residence, business and so on.
This part of the vertical courtyard enables people in each part to have a public area where they can communicate, entertain and relax. Through the design of the space, different groups of people have the possibility of communication and dialogue, providing a green and natural courtyard space. Such vertical courtyards enable people living in high-density cities to have a lifestyle of sharing a courtyard among neighbors in ancient times, and to have a piece of soil that can breathe natural air in high-density cities.

Vetical GreenSpace | Axonometric

Vetical GreenSpace | Indoor Pespective

Vetical GreenSpace
| Statistics, Section & Site Plan
Qianmen, China | Vetical GreenSpace

Qianmen, China | Vetical GreenSpace