XII. Sao Paolo, Brazil

Sao Paolo, Brazil — Ye Wang
Located in the southeastern of Brazil, São Paulois a municipality in the Southeast Region of SaoPaulo State, consists of 32 regional perfectures.
As a metropolis, São Paulo is a global city and the most famous city in the country. It is the world’s 12th largest city with a population of 12,176,866.

Left: the Pipistrello lamp for Martinelli Luce (1965). Right: Rimorchiatore, a combined candleholder, vase, light and ashtray (1967.
Urban: 12,176,866 people
Metro (Greater Sao Paulo): 21,571,281 people
Megacity 1,521.11 km2 (587.3039 sqmi)
Urban 11,698 km2 (4,517 sq mi)
Metro 7,946.96 km2 (3,068.338 sq mi)
Macrometropolis 53.369,61 km2 (20.60612 sq mi)
Population Density:
Urban Average: 16,754.51 people/km2
Metro Average:11,844.7 people/km2
Sao Paulo is the capital of the state of São Paulo.The Executive Branch of the municipality of São Paulo is represented by the mayor and his cabinet of secretaries, following the model proposed by the Federal Constituition.
The organic law of the municipality and the Master Plan of the city determine that the public administration must guarantee to the population effective tools of manifestation of participatory democracy, which causes that the city is divided in regional prefectures, each one led by a Regional Mayor appointed by the Mayor.

Left: the Pipistrello lamp for Martinelli Luce (1965). Right: Rimorchiatore, a combined candleholder, vase, light and ashtray (1967.
Sao Paolo, Brazil. High Density Buildig Typologies
Sao Paolo, Brazil. Means of transportation
Sao Paolo, Brazil. Traffic hubs and nodes
Sao Paolo, Brazil. Urban Void Spaces

Sao Paolo, Brazil. High Density Buildig Typologies

Sao Paolo, Brazil. Means of transportation

Sao Paolo, Brazil. Traffic hubs and nodes

Sao Paolo, Brazil. Urban Void Spaces
Sao Paolo, Brazil- Centro Historico de Sao Paulo:
Area: 4.4 square km
Population: 64,366 people
Population Density: 14,628 people/km2

Sao Paolo, Brazil- Bela Vista:
Area: 2.6 square km
Population: 63,190 people
Population Density: 24,304 people/km2

Sao Paolo, Brazil- CONSOLAÇÃO:
Area: 3.7 square km
Population: 57,365 people
Population Density: 15,504 people/km2

Vertical Urban Unit, Sao Paulo
Vertical Urban Unit is a high density urban solution for high-rise tower in the city of Sao Paulo where public and green spaces are limited due to the extremely dense urban environment. As the city owns most middle-rise tower in the world, Sao Paulo still has a large amount of land with less-conditioned and low-rise residential zone.
As the issue of density continue to squeeze limited urban land and high demanding on re-development on low-rise building type, Vertical Urban Unit is a solution for a hybrid tower space with flexible customization for resident to claim their unit with green space shared and individually owned. The project is located in a community in Bela Vista, where has a zone of low-rise residential buildings.
VUU will utilize the lower level as a open public space for both the community and the tower residents in order to offer a connection. Upper level will be a market space for original residents and outer participants to engage in the market. Besides the market will be community space with sports utilities and green space. The residential part will utilize a layout of customized block, which will be remain unbuilt as a green space. Residents will be claiming spaces by customization based on their original low-rise building space and they are able to decide whether to claim an individual green space or keeping it shared with neighbors. Once all the units are claimed, the VUU tower will have a rich combination of different residential layout mixed with green space interior and exterior.

The Urban Shelf, Axonometric