VII. Karachi, Pakistan 

Karachi, Pakistan

Karachi, Pakistan — Areeba Abawani

Karachi is the capital city of the province of Sindh.It used to be the capital of Pakistan, before it was moved to Islamabad. Karachi is the the largest and most populated city in Pakistan. It is also the 5th most populated city in the world. On the south-west it lies along the coast, thus making an important industrial center and port on the coast of Arabian Sea. Its a travel hub, as it comprises of two ports and the busiest airport of Pakistan.

Left: View of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge  Right: View of San Francisco


Urban: 2,972,639 people
Metro: 16,054,988 people

Urban: 31.3 km²
Metro: 3778 km²

Population Density:
Urban Average: 16,754.51 people/km2
Metro Average:4,259 people/km2

The administrative body of Karachi is the Government of Karachi. This system controls the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation which is subdivided into of 6 District Municipal Corporations (DMCs) each headed by a Mayor and Deputy Mayor. The districts are furtehr broken down into Union Committees (UCs), for which a Chairmen and Vice Chairmen are appointed. The mayor is elected every four years citizens. These election take place along witht the country elections. The city government being responsible for public education, correctional institutions, libraries, public safety, recreational facilities, sanitation, water supply, and welfare services.

Left Top: Traffic congestion on the Bay Bridge  Left Bottom: Homeless tents within the city
Right Top: Toursim within the city   Right Bottom: Public transit within the city

Karachi, Pakistan. High Density Buildig Typologies

Karachi, Pakistan. Means of transportation

Karachi, Pakistan. Traffic hubs and nodes

Karachi, Pakistan. Urban Void Spaces

Karachi, Pakistan- DHORAGI, GULSHAN-E-IQBAL:

Area: 45.8 square km
Population: 644,362 people
Population Density: 14,066 people/km2

Karachi, Pakistan- Duppatta Gali, Jamshed Town :

Area: 12.2 square km
Population: 471,830 people
Population Density: 38,834 people/km2

Karachi, Pakistan- Soldier bazaar + Parsi colony  :

Area: 17.6 square km
Population: 762,850 people
Population Density: 43,368 people/km2


Karachi thrives on activity, interaction, and commerce. Its a place where a symbiotic relationship is found between different types of residence, commercial space, amenities. In a 15 min walking distance one can easily find all resources required to survive. However, it is a victim of disparity cause by income levels.

This design is an attempt to bring communities together by responding to their individual lifestyles and values. Therefore to foster a symbiosis betweem the social classes. There is an opportunity to celebrate the strength of both communities.
The dwelling deals with interaction using two elements. Firstly, the feature external stair is an upward spiral of terraces and retail that pulls the street from the ground floor to the floors above. The street trees continue in planters on the terraces, providing access to green spaces from all floors in the building. Secondly, the creation of “blended space” which comprises of retail, workshops (tailor, cobbler etc), greenhouses and courts. This is an opportunity for people to come together and promote exchange between the communities.

The Urban Shelf, Axonometric

Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning 2025 — Ann Arbor, US