VI. Moscow, Russia 

Moscow, Russia.

Moscow, Russia — Alex Salvadero

Moscow is the capital city of Russia and is its largest city by population with approximately 15.1 million citizens. It is the largegst city by land area in Europe, and is the 11th largest city by population worldwide. Thet city has an extensive public transporation network, including four airports and the Moscow Metro which is the deepest underground train system in the world, and 4th largest in the world by ridership.


Moscow (2010 Limits): 12,504,300 people
Moscow City Limits: 12,704,600 people
Moscow-Oblast: 7,366,600 people
Metro (Moscow + Oblast): 20,071,200 people

Moscow (2010 Limits): 1,010 km2
Moscow City Limits: 2,511 km2
Metro (Moscow + Oblast): 46,882 km2

Population Density:
Moscow (2010 Limits): 12,369 people/km2
Moscow City Limits: 4,661 people/km2
Moscow-Oblast: 166 people/km2
Metro (Moscow + Oblast): 428 people/km2

Moscow is the capital city of Russia and the home of its Federal Government. At the center of the city is The Krelmin, which is the home of the sitting President and major government facilities such as the military headquarters and the Federal Security Service or FSB, Russia’s primary security/intelligence agency. The 616-member Russian Parliment is split into the State Duma and the Federation Council. Both houses have separate headquarters located in Moscow.

Moscow, Russia. High Density Buildig Typologies

Moscow, Russia. Means of transportation

Moscow, Russia. Traffic hubs and nodes

Moscow, Russia. Urban Void Spaces

Moscow, Russia- Arbat District:

Area: 0.25 square km
Population: 4,800 people
Population Density: 19,000 people/km2

Moscow, Russia- Presnensky District:

Area: 0.25 square km
Population: 3,500 people
Population Density: 13,900 people/km2

Moscow, Russia- Pechatniki District:

Area: 0.25 square km
Population: 820 people
Population Density: 3280 people/km2


Rich dense urban fabrics are composed of many interconnected streets forming a grid with blocks of mixed program within. Primary and secondary axes exist and form naturally, with the intersections of the grid often creating  rich spaces of social and commercial activity and interaction. Circulation within the grid is dynamic and also funnels activity to these arteries, provide ample opportunity for chance social interaction and activity which further enlivens the space.

Using this inspiration, VERTICAL BLOCK CITY brings this fabric and system of circulation within a single development. Composed of multiple cores, a grid-like intertwining and interconnected system of circulation paths provide the main access to different points of the building. These alternating paths to various points of the building concentrate circulation within them which creates a dense zone to encourage social contact and provide areas for occupants to both see out and be seen.


Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning 2025 — Ann Arbor, US